Colorado: Natural Gas Prices to rise as much as 40 : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Colorado: Natural Gas Prices to rise as much as 40 percentDENVER (AP) - Coloradans could pay as much as 40 percent more this winter for natural gas, state officials warn. Utility executives, state regulators and consumer group representatives met Thursday to discuss impending price hikes.
Natural gas prices have doubled in the past year, causing utility companies to pass sharp increases on to consumers. The problem will compound next month when most gas companies in Colorado are expected to file for another price hike. Combined, this year's increases could push wintertime bills up by as much as 40 percent over last winter's.
"We are very concerned about the impact of these higher costs, especially on low-income customers," said Ken Reif, director of the Colorado Office of Consumer Counsel, a utility oversight agency.
For the average residential customer of Xcel Energy, formerly Public Service Company of Colorado, wintertime gas bills will increase by at least $14 a month and possibly much more after expected rate increases in October.
-- Carl Jenkins (, September 08, 2000