please, please, please : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Would it be possible (said in very quiet, begging tone) for someone to let me know what time people are around in exile/Davincis? I come online fairly infrequently due to the horrendous expense of British phone lines and internet connections, and I have never met anyone known from old vp days. I miss you all (sob) and would like to have at least one good old chat before I consign vp to the rubbish dump.

And please, no references to bizarre American time zones, cos I don't understand any of them. Good old gmt will do fine.

Hope your ankle's better editrix, you must stop flirting with those kerbs (note correct spelling!).

leu the lonely.

-- leucite (, September 08, 2000


In answer to your question, Leu -- I try to go online about 10pm ET (which is +5 hours from us, unless you guys are still on Daylight Savings time, which means you're only +4 hours from here). Either way you cut it, it means I'm on at about 3 or 4am your time. What I can do is try to get on VP more like 10pm GMT -- that would be about 5pm or 6pm here (ET). Would that be better?

Who else can come on at 10pm GTM? Laighe? Early before your dinner for a bit so we can all visit with Leucite and hear more about the round-the-world trip?!

Sorry for the time conversions -- I wasn't sure if GMT was still on Daylight Savings Time -- we are still on it here for another few weeks, you see. I wish the Time Guys would decide on using one standard day to move DST back and forth and the whole world does it at the same time! (To make it worse, Leu -- there are even states in the U.S. who don't go on DST, and so even within the U.S. there are states at different times from the rest of the states! LOL!)

Looking forward to seeing you -- I'll try to be on 10pm your time -- GMT -- in the next few days!

-- editrix (, September 12, 2000.

Orpheus would know his longitude & lattitude. LOL!

-- editrix (, September 23, 2000.

Hi Leucite, Let's see, GMT from here would be what? GMT = Zulu or 0 degrees longitude. I'm at 123 degrees west. Sooooooo, that would be about zulu - 8 hours, give or take for daylight savings. By the time I get online, hmmmm, seems like it was more likely to connect when you were in Malaysia. I would enjoy getting reacquainted. If we don't happen to bump into one another, be well and be happy Leucite. Joe

-- orpheus6 (, September 17, 2000.

Sorry, leucite, I've been AWOL lately. I have various wonderful excuses that are way too boring to post except for being on baby hatching duty for my "other" daughter, who, I'm proud to say, delivered a healthy, happy baby boy! Anyway I'll try to be around more now and hopefully it will be at a time when I can see you too!. And I am unanimous in that. : )

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, September 24, 2000.

well venturing back on the scene i figure this is a good message to start with. The psycho wolf stopped in for a bit. Well leu it was good to see you made it to Brit isle. I am on about as oft as you but more oft i float in and out of ICQ if you have that. my number is 15517140. By all means message me or e-mail me.

-- Wolfie (, September 29, 2000.

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