incomplete VCD buring when using EZ CD Creator at DAO : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I use Adaptec Easy CD Creator Deluxe 3.5c to burn a CD image created by I-author. When I use the default mode (closed the disc?) it is fine to complete the task and the SVCD playes well on my DVD player. But when I try to use Disc at Once (DAO) mode to burn the SVCD (I try to avoid interruptions betweeen clips), it never finishes the whole job but says "recording/writing successfully." My CDRW drive is Memorex 1622, which works well at DAO under NTI CD Maker.

Does anyone experience that and/or have a clue for it? I am wondering if EZ CD creator 4.0 can solve the problem.

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated.

-- LM Yiin (, September 07, 2000


I use Nero and on the DAO portion when I attempt to click it a balloon pops up saying "DAO is irrelevant to VCD authoring and will not be turned on." EZCD puts a default of 2s between MPEG tracks which you can't change; Nero allows you to change this. It's more likely that if you installed DirectCD along with Easy CD that is giving you the problems you are encountering. Adaptec's DirectCD is known in some circles to create more problems in exchange for the little convenience it provides. Lastly, Easy CD 3.5 and 4 are buggier than any of its predecessors 3.01x; reported at length in past entries in this forum.

-- Mehmet T. (, September 09, 2000.

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