150 percent profit in about three months

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Well, the results of my bet with CPR are in: I sold my unleaded gasoline call option yesterday for a profit of over 150 percent in about three months time. Of course, I'm sure he'll have an explanation of why he's still right about oil prices, even though my expectation of higher prices turned out to be both correct and profitable. I can't wait to see his spin!

-- Sergeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 07, 2000


You're forgetting. cpr already declared victory last June, when prices dipped for a bit.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), September 07, 2000.

sorry but you lucked out ALMOST. 3 wks ago the options were at .55. After you sold they raced to over $10/call or THREE TIMES your investm...errr........gamble. So you got 1/2 of the full gain.

CHICKEN to stay to the end as you said you would?

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 07, 2000.

Lord, cpr! If I understand your argument, first you bet that Friday would lose his shirt on these options, and now you find fault with him because you were so egregiously wrong that he could have tripled his money, while he only made 150% profit.

He risked his money and you did not. He won the bet and you lost. He was right and you were wrong. You misled people and he did not. And now you have amply demonstrated how gracious a loser you are by calling him chicken (make that "CHICKEN") instead of simply acknowledging you lost and congratulating him for his success.

Do you think we can't see through you, cpr? This was just effing pitiful.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), September 07, 2000.

I see CPR has made a slight mathematical error. Tripling is a 200 percent gain, not a 300 percent gain. Therefore, my 150 percent gain is about 75 percent, not 50 percent, of the maximum profit that I could have made by selling at the top yesterday. But I wouldn't expect anything else from the self-proclaimed "mathematical expert".

-- Sergeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 07, 2000.

I am surprised, Brian, that you lower yourself to engage in a discussion over vulgar profits and losses. Shouldn't you be working to seize both person's gains and redistribute them for good of the collective? (chuckle)

-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), September 07, 2000.

>> Shouldn't you be working to seize both person's gains and redistribute them for good of the collective? (chuckle) <<

Heavens to Betsy! Have you been quaffing the laudanum again?

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), September 07, 2000.

Do you deny that you are nothing better than a left over from 1968 group think and grope filled with platitudes that grow from mold spores of SOCIALISTIC NONSENSE every time the humidy rises?

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 07, 2000.

>> Do you deny that you are nothing better than a left over from 1968 group think and grope filled with platitudes that grow from mold spores of SOCIALISTIC NONSENSE every time the humidy rises? <<

Yup. What makes you ask?

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), September 07, 2000.

CPR on oil in early August


-- He could be gracious and admit (he@was.wrong), September 07, 2000.

Momma! Momma! Charlie's tryin' to cypher again!

-- Make him stop, momma (He@scares.me), September 07, 2000.

Always leave a little on the table!

-- for (the@next.guy), September 07, 2000.

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