What is this board all about?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

I was just at the Greenspun main directory and looking for a bulletin board when i came across this one. I thought it's about digital fine arts but it seems like it's a "anything goes" kinda board. Anyway, i'm looking for another place to frequent besides GTF.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000


It's a board for Katie's online journal at www.digink.net.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000

It basically works like this: Katie posts a message, a dozen people reply with no other motive than to pimp their own journals in the 'Full Name' field, Katie get's losts of messages, we get lots of new visitors, everyone's happy!

Alright! I'm joking! It's only me who posts sheerly to pimp my own page. Sheesh!

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2000

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