New quantum battery 1 compact: performance + how does it connect? : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Is anyone familiar with the new quantum battery 1 compact -- the NiMH one? I have two questions: how does it perform, and does it connect to the high voltage port of an SB-28, or does it have one of those faux 4 AA module things.


-- john beckman (, September 04, 2000


The Quantum 1, 2, and Bantam are low voltage batteries. As far as I know, they all use a module that replaces the AA batteries. I think the 1 and Bantam are 6V, and the 2 is 9V. The Turbo batteries are high voltage packs.

-- Brad Hutcheson (, September 04, 2000.

Also, I'd be curious if anyone knows the answers with respect to the quantum bantam, too

-- john beckman (, September 04, 2000.

I have a Q-Bantam. It's a 6V design and uses one of the "faux 4 AA module things" just like the QB1 It has less power than the QB1 Compact and it uses a shorter cord with a different connector on the battery end. I understand the QB1 Compact can use either cord type.

-- Jim Strutz (, September 04, 2000.

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