OH: Ameritech fixes glitch in 911 callsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Emergency dispatchers answering 911 calls
in Ohio say a glitch with Ameritech's system
was dropping information, such as where the
call originated. The phone company said Friday
it had solved the problem.The Columbus Dispatch
-- spider (spider0@usa.net), September 03, 2000
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN -- State officials have
summoned representatives of Wisconsin's largest
telephone company because complaints against
Ameritech are running 117 percent above the total for all
of last year.The Wisconsin Public Service Commission so far this
year has received 631 complaints about repairs and lost
service involving Ameritech. The commission's figures
show 488 of the complaints were made this summer.Overall, 76,849 customers said they were without a dial
tone sometime between May and July, a 26 percent
jump in out-of-service calls over last year, the company
said.Chicago Tribune
-- spider (spider0@usa.net), September 04, 2000.