Fluffy Toiletshorts

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What's Your Name?

Today's diversion comes straight from a children's book, "Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants," by David Pilkey: The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names. Try it out for yourself. It's great fun around the office. Here is how.

Use the first letter of your first name to determine your NEW first name:

a =stinky

b = lumpy

c = buttercup

d = gidget

e = crusty

f = greasy

g = fluffy

h = cheeseball

i = chim-chim

j = poopsie

k = flunky

l = booger

m = pinky

n = zippy

o = goober

p = doofus

q = slimy

r = loopy

s = snotty

t = falafel

u = dorkey

v = squeezit

w = oprah

x = skipper

y = dinky

z = zsa-zsa

Use the first letter of your last name to determine the first half of your NEW last name:

a = diaper

b = toilet

c = giggle

d = bubble

e = girdle

f = barf

g = lizard

h = waffle

i = cootie

j = monkey

k = potty

l = liver

m = banana

n = rhino

o = burger

p = hamster

q = toad

r = gizzard

s = pizza

t = gerbil

u = chicken

v = pickle

w = chuckle

x = tofu

y = gorilla

z = stinker

Use the last letter of your last name to determine the second half of your NEW last name:

a = head

b = mouth

c = face

d = nose

e = tush

f = breath

g = pants

h = shorts

i = lips

j = honker

k = butt

l = brain

m = tushie

n = chunks

o = hiney

p = biscuits

q = toes

r = buns

s = fanny

t = sniffer

u = sprinkles

v = kisser

w = squirt

x =humperdinck

y = brains

z = juice

Thus, for example, George Bush's new name is Fluffy Toiletshorts. Go figure. :)

-- Debra (Thisis@it.com), September 03, 2000


Gidget Barfhead here.

-- Debra (Thisis@it.com), September 03, 2000.

OTFR! Delete this vulgar profanity!

-- Carlos (riffraff@whitetrash.com), September 03, 2000.

Gidget Bubble here!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), September 03, 2000.

Al Gore = Stinky Lizardtush

-- (hmmmmm@very.interesting), September 03, 2000.

Ken Decker = Flunky Bubblebuns!

-- (yep@flunky.is.right), September 03, 2000.

Aunt Bee, you forgot the second half of your last name.

-- (get@with.it!), September 03, 2000.

Right you are!

Gidget Bubblechunks!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), September 03, 2000.

much better!

lol - i always knew debra was a barfhead!

debra - are you stan farnya's wife?

-- i'm (just@wondering.now), September 03, 2000.

Or I could use my married name and get:

Gidget Chucklefanny!! LOL

Thanks for the CHUCKLES Debra!! Good one!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), September 03, 2000.

ralph nader = loopy rhinobuns

harry browne = cheeseball toilettush

-- (heeehee@haaa.haaa), September 03, 2000.

yes, i like chucklefanny much better!

heeeeeee heeeee heeeeeeeeeeee!!

-- lol (bwah@haaa.bwaah), September 03, 2000.

lumpy rhinosniffer. I think I prefer my regular handle better.

-- Butt Nugget (catsbutt@umailme.com), September 03, 2000.

I just wanna know who I have to marry in order to become Lumpy Wafflechunks.

-- Oxy (Oxsys@aol.com), September 03, 2000.

Falafal bananabutt. Sounds like a new pork recipe.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 03, 2000.

Buttercup Pizzachunks here! LOL

Or Buttercup Gigglegirdle, if I use married name.

-- (smarty@wannabe.one), September 03, 2000.

Okay. It's gotta be Charlton Heston. That would work.

-- Oxy (Oxsys@aol.com), September 03, 2000.

Awe...Buttercup PizzaButt

That is TOTALLY me. =0)

-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 03, 2000.

Your new undercover Bok's handle, cin. Pizzabutt :)

-- Oxy (Oxsys@aol.com), September 03, 2000.


No one will figure it out! =0)

-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 03, 2000.

Greasy Diaperfanny.

It's because I get a rash, you know. We swarthy people sweat a lot, and need to use liberal amounts of diaper ointment.

-- Fotios Astopopoulous (it's@ll.greek.to.me), September 03, 2000.


My new name is Gidget Girdlefanny. This this tells me something that I don't want to hear... LOL

-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), September 03, 2000.

Flint = Greasy Gigglesomething...?

Now THERE's a thought.

-- Oxy (Oxsys@aol.com), September 03, 2000.

Pinky Burgerbrain sounds like another way of describing an undercooked meathead. LOL. Thanks, Debra

-- (Adelle@home.today), September 03, 2000.

If I use Johnny Canuck I get....... Doofus Poopsiebutt

If I use my real name I get....... Pinky Gigglebuns

.......I think I'll stick with my nom de plume......

-- Johnny Canuck (j_canuck@hotmail.com), September 04, 2000.

Johnny Canuck,

Your name would be Poopsie Gigglebutt. LOL

-- Debra (Thisis@it.com), September 04, 2000.

Gidget Banananose signing on. Thanks for posting this, Debra. LOL!

-- Deb M. (vmcclell@columbus.rr.com), September 04, 2000.


My mom's maiden name ends up as: Squeezit Hamstersquirt. LOL!!!!! (EWWWWWW!)

-- Deb M. (vmcclell@columbus.rr.com), September 04, 2000.

Fluffy Monkeychunks here. Pleased to meet you all!

-- Grace (SincerelyGrace@aol.com), September 04, 2000.

Ms. Stinky Picklebuns

-- amberlee (dragonflies27@hotmail.com), January 21, 2003.

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