C Line passenger trains

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am looking for photos of the CofGa local passenger trains that ran between Chattanooga, TN and Griffin, GA. I would especially like views of it on the Chattanooga District which was the area above Cedartown. These trains were listed as train one and two and at one time there was a three and four. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


-- Warren D. Stephens (wdstephens@prodigy.net), September 02, 2000


If you can get a copy of the Central of Ga.Album, there is a picture of train #1/2, the passenger local from Griffin to CHATT. You might also check with David Payne, the world's foremost authority on the C-line.

-- Bud(David L.)Leggett (leggettd@dartnet.peachnet.edu), June 16, 2001.

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