movie doesn4t run smoothly : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just bought some VCD4s in Malaysia, but they won4t really run. I can get the picture on Windows Media Player, but don4t have any sound and the picture has also little...kind of breaks, it runs like in slow motion. After having paused, it runs normally for a few seconds, but then everything starts to stop 4n4 go again. I have a Pentium II 266 (made it run on 300MHz) around 500 Mbyte space on my harddrive.

-- Martin (, August 31, 2000


A few suggestions.

1) Is anything else running? ctrl-alt-del and check.

2) Is you cd-rom drive, and hd set to dma mode. Device mager/select device/properties/settings.

Your PC should be more than fast enough. P90 is all that was needed for mpeg1 playback.


-- eric (, August 31, 2000.

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