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I stumbled upon a great internet site tonight from Cornell University. It's a digital library of 19th-century magazines and journals. At the top of the page you can see the publications it includes, and at the bottom is an alphabetical index for the entire site by author and title.From the site: "Materials accessible here are Cornell University's contributions to Making of America (MOA), a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. This site provides access to 267 monograph volumes and over 100,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. The project represents a major collaborative endeavor in preservation and electronic access to historical texts.
"The Making of America collection is comprised of the digitized pages of books and journals. This system allows you to view scanned images of the actual pages of the 19th century texts."
Here's hoping you find this as exciting as I do -- Enjoy!
-- Celia Thaxter (celiathaxter@yahoo.com), August 31, 2000
It's a really neat site.
-- helen (home@home.home), August 31, 2000.
Very cool!I plan on using this one. I'll start by going through all of the Harper's Weeklies from the Civil War.
Great find!
-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), August 31, 2000.
Gotta bump this one to the top.My 26.4 kbps internet connection makes using the site a chore. Nonetheless, there's gold in them thar web pages!
-- Bingo1 (howe9@shentel.net), September 01, 2000.
Thanks, Celia. I bookmarked it.
-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), September 01, 2000.
Glad you guys like this. Unfortunately it is somewhat slow -- makes me want to get DSL or cable. Still, it beats microfiche hands down.
-- Celia Thaxter (celiathaxter@yahoo.com), September 03, 2000.
Very Cool. I'll be using this one myself!
-- Super Polly (FU_Q_Y2kfreaks@hotmail.com), September 07, 2000.