copyright vs. sharing : LUSENET : STREAMING MEDIA ART : One Thread

Digital files are freely accessible on the internet. Currently mp3 music files of copyrighted work are easily downloaded. The same software allows the location and downloading of all digital files.

Should media artists put samples of their work online? or complete works? Should they wait until there is copy protection for downloaded digital files?

-- Not Still Art (, August 29, 2000


For what it's worth, this was sent to me today. I am a musician and video performer, but i also use Napster. I just wanted to hear what everyone else thought about this.

Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 20:49:47 GMT

Hello All.. I just came across this webpage that gives about 20 Napster-like programs just in case the original Napster is so unkindly taken away from us. So just as you share files, Im sharing this info with all of you, so pass it on. Have a nice day.

Support The Free World All Power To The People :o)

Just Copy and paste this site.

-- Vanessa (, September 05, 2000.

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