John and Patsy Ramsey and JonBenet : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Solomon said there were things under the sun he could not understand. There is one VERY big issue I do not understand and I wish I could grasp the laws of the US that allow parents to go unquestioned and unpunished for the killing of their little girl.

Our laws protect the wealthy.....those who can afford to hire all the dishonest attorneys who are (no doubt) willing to do anything to pad their own pockets. Over and over again we see the wealthy getting away with murder.

If for no other reason, I wish I had continued in pursuing a law career so I could more readily fight for the innocent.

The greatest disappointment I ever felt was when the Grand Jury failed to indict the Ramseys for JonBenet's murder. Well, today they are again being questioned. The prosecuting attorney might as well save his breath.

Here is a URL that will give today's news about their AGAIN being questioned.

Nelta -- nib Nelta Brock

-- Anonymous, August 28, 2000


So you are sure they did it?

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2000

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