Why Would Any Woman Vote for George W. Bush?

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Why Would Any Woman Vote for George W. Bush?

By Jeanne Clark, Executive Director of Women Leaders Online

Any woman who thinks she might give George W. Bush the benefit of the doubt and vote for his so-called compassionate conservatism, should consider how much compassion he showed Betty Lou Beets. Most people have never heard of Beets. She was a hearing-impaired, learning disabled, brain-damaged great grandmother who spent her childhood being sexually abused by her father. She lived in poverty and violence, moving from one abusive home, one abusive man, to another. After years of physical and sexual abuse, and no help from law enforcement, she killed her husband.

Beets was convicted in a trial that was handled so badly -- by an attorney who sold media rights to her story for his fee -- that a federal district court judge ordered a new trial. The state of Texas, however, persuaded the appeals court to reinstate both the conviction and the death sentence.

Which brings us to Governor Bush. Texas law permits clemency on the basis of certain circumstances, among them a history of the defendant being battered by the victim. But clemency is not in Bush's vocabulary. So he ordered the state of Texas to finish the job that Betty Lou Betts' father started years before. If that doesn't give you pause, maybe you should consider his promise to do for the United States what he has done for Texas.

a. Dead last in state government spending per capita;

b. 49th in state appropriations for the arts;

c. 46th in maximum monthly welfare payments for needy families, regardless of size;

d. 45th in percent of population graduating from high school;

e. 9th in percent of children living in poverty;

f. 5th in toxic chemicals released into the air;

g. 2nd in prisoner incarceration rate.

Thanks to Bush's compassion, Texas gives many underdeveloped nations a run for their money. Texas has among the highest rates of AIDS, tuberculosis and teenage pregnancy in the nation, and is scraping the bottom on immunizations.

A huge percentage of Texas families have no health insurance and the state has failed to reach out to thousands of children who could be enrolled in Medicaid. Women in Texas are also slipping behind economically. Texas women make 75.2% of what the Lone Star men make. Only 17.4% of women have four or more years of college. Nearly one in four Texas women lives in poverty. And the state ranks 50th in economic autonomy for women.

But this election isn't just about numbers; it's about issues and attitudes. On issues, George Bush opposes most pro-women policies from child care to pay equity. And he would implement policies and appoint judges and cabinet officers who would work to move women back to the bad old days of no choices, no chances.

Perhaps most pernicious, though, is Bush's attitude towards women. As self-confessed party boy and libertine, Bush saw women in two roles -- madonna (Laura and Barbara Bush, for example) or whore (feminists, for example). And although he claims to have had an epiphany at the age of 40 when he stopped drinking, found God and reformed himself, there is clear evidence that he continues in this worldview.

At the 1988 Republican Convention (two years after Bush's supposed conversion), George W. was talking to David Fink of the Hartford Courant. "When you're not talking politics," Fink asked the then vice president's son, "what do you and [your father] talk about?" "Pussy," replied the man who now wants women to trust them with their lives and futures and make him the next President of the United States.

Finally, there are two words that should guarantee that no woman (other than a masochist) would vote for George W. Bush. Clarence Thomas. That's who W. named as his most admired Supreme Court Justice. And if Shrub makes it to the White House, he could wind up appointing four more just like Thomas to the Supreme Court. > > > >

-- ListenUp (Think@VotingBooth.com), August 28, 2000


Hey, its someone @work again.

a. Dead last in state government spending per capita;


b. 49th in state appropriations for the arts;


c. 46th in maximum monthly welfare payments for needy families, regardless of size;

TEXAS IS NOT A "WELFARE STATE". HOWEVER, we probably lead the WORLD in AVAILABLE ***PRIVATE and CHURCH WELFARE FOR PEOPLE***. As we say in DFW; nobody here ever needs to go hungry or without a roof over their heads.

d. 45th in percent of population graduating from high school;


e. 9th in percent of children living in poverty;

**SECOND LARGEST STATE ........ipso facto should be 2nd by average. THEREFORE WE ARE BETTER THAN AVERAGE.

f. 5th in toxic chemicals released into the air;


g. 2nd in prisoner incarceration rate.

..........2nd largest State. should be 2nd right??

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), August 28, 2000.


First of all the comment on "pussy" is negated by the fact that a few women have been known to talk about sex when out of the earshot of Males. I expect that LAURA BUSH upon hearing GW's "joke" probably cut him off for a few weeks. She is a pretty tough woman on a par with Ms. Barbara Bush who probably cut Sr. off for a few months if he laughed at GW's joke.

......... NEXT:

I am opposed to the Death Penalty for many reasons including the fact that the minorities, the weak of mind and the POOR are inordinately executed proportionally.

HOWEVER.........as stated...BETTY LOU BEETS KILLED HER HUSBAND. It is possible, it was not her only murder but it was the one she was executed for. RIGHT????


NOW...if it was Carla Fay Tucker, I might agree that there might have been a case for some leniancy. .............................

Any woman who thinks she might give George W. Bush the benefit of the doubt and vote for his so-called compassionate conservatism, should consider how much compassion he showed Betty Lou Beets. Most people have never heard of Beets. She was a hearing-impaired, learning disabled, brain-damaged great grandmother who spent her childhood being sexually abused by her father. She lived in poverty and violence, moving from one abusive home, one abusive man, to another. After years of physical and sexual abuse, and no help from law enforcement, she killed her husband.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), August 28, 2000.

A great argument why women should not be allowed to vote. Even more than men, they are willing to sell their freedom for security. But too stupid, like also most men, that once the freedom is gone, so is the security.

H.L. Mencken once said something to the effect that democracy is the theory that what the common man wants, he should get -- good and hard! (Hint: my interpration is that could mean a butt-fucking a la movie "Deliverance".)

-- A (A@AisA.com), August 28, 2000.

Note: the above does not constitute an endorsement for Bush OR Gore.

If you keep voting for the same old assholes, you'll keep getting the same old assholes to vote for. If you vote, vote third party.

-- A (A@AisA.com), August 28, 2000.


I find it difficult to believe that you have ever studied math. The concepts of *percentage* and *ratio* seem to have eluded you. You do seem well versed in *big* and *bigger*, but not all math proplems can be reduced to ones of proportion. Perhaps more study would be helpful. I sugggest you try the associative and commutative properties next. Or, you could just use more capital letters. Whatever.

-- Asgood (as@nyoneelses.com), August 28, 2000.

Charlie and I have been down this road before. Bush grows big business, and big business grows real-estate, so Charlie is, necessarily for Bush.

I live in Texas [a stone's throw away from Charlie], and I DO get alarmed when we have ozone alerts every day because Bush the Governor told big business that they could self-govern their pollution. I live in Texas and after one semester of my oldest in a local high- school here sent my two younger back to Illinois for their education. There's no doubt in my mind that they got a better education in Illinois.

I just enrolled at UTA to become certified to teach math, computer science, and biology here in Texas at the secondary level. I'll compare it to the Bachelor Degree I received in Illinois when I'm done.

It was a big decision for me to keep Bush restrained here in Texas or let him loose on the nation. I still don't understand why Charlie wants Bush in Washington [outside of him not being in Texas.] Then again, I don't understand why someone with a chemistry and math background is selling real-estate.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 28, 2000.

Asgood, you beat me to it. CPR's errors in elementary math are simply incredible.

-- Peter Errington (petere@ricochet.net), August 28, 2000.

Italics off. Damn.

-- Peter Errington (petere@ricochet.net), August 28, 2000.

It's just too damn easy to throw another italics tag in while one thinks they're turning the tag off, isn't it, Peter? [guilty of this myself on many occasions.]

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 28, 2000.


-- Cleanup (try@ga.in), August 28, 2000.

"Quit picking on my Junior!
You should all vote for him,
because my wittle dubby-wubby
is the best boy in the world!"

"Right Junior?"

"Dat's right, I wuv you mommy"!

-- Mama Bush (mama.wuvs@her.baby), August 28, 2000.

Anita, that has to be it - wound up with two of those sumbitches in a row.

-- Peter Errington (petere@ricochet.net), August 28, 2000.

I will vote for GW because he is such a HUNK of man and Al is such a weenie.

-- (Lorelei@lubricious.lips), August 28, 2000.

Yeah, but Shrubby has to use Viagra, Gore's soldier is always ready for action.

-- monica (been.there@done.that), August 28, 2000.

I will vote the 3rd party this time, the other parties can take a hike, my vote is not for sale!

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), August 29, 2000.

Psssst... hey ET.. I'll give ya $40 for your vote. Waddya say?...

pssst... how about $80?



Okay, final offer! $1000?...

psssst... $2000?

-- (everybody@has.a.price), August 29, 2000.

Your vote is worth about as much as your "soul".

Ever heard of the book "Votescam"? (probably on Amazon).

And re "soul" -- But hey, I'll sell it for whatever you want to offer. And I can sell it over and over again - since the concept is a figment of all the religious doofus' imaginations.

-- A (A@AisA.com), August 29, 2000.

Let me clarify about vote. Why would anyone bother buying just your one vote, when the politicos can hire programmers to make the totals come out any way they want, on the "new and improved" voting machines.

At least in the old days they had the logistical problems of marking up a bunch of fake ballots and switching ballot boxes.

-- A (A@AisA.com), August 29, 2000.


====================================================================== ===================== If ignorance were bliss, they'd be an enormous collective blister. The mental giants should drive the texas/mexico border with me. I'll show them why we're almost dead last in several categories: WE'RE SUPPORTING UPWARDS OF 10% OF MEXICO'S POPULATION. It's the longest border with Mesico. It's impossible to police it well enough to keep the illegal immigrants out. And frankly, I'M NOT SURE WE SHOULD EVEN TRY! For the most part they come over here, work hard usually at the lowest of jobs, send their money back to Mexico, and in general behave as well as any of the anglo population (they certainly have a lower divorce rate). They learn English (more or less), see the benefits of democracy and capitalism, and work for a better life for their families. We provide education for many of them without asking questions. We provide hospitalization and medical care--it's illegal for medical facilities to turn people down in critical care situations. They can enroll in state universities at resident tuition rates (!) This is the best, most direct foreign aid we could give any country. It develops cultural and economic ties and fosters deeper cooperation and understanding between the two nations (Texas and Mexico). It's far more effective than throwing billions upon billions at a chimerical Middle-East "peace process." But WE get precious few federal dollars to help us. The only other state with similar economic attraction is California, and they've had a running battle over the same issues for years. They fought tooth and claw over paying for federally-mandated welfare programs for illegal immigrants. There are numerous other downsides. El Paso has some of the worst smog in the nation. But it's coming across the border. The Texas side could produce NO pollution at all and they still wouldn't meet any federal clean-air standards. If you factor out the international issues, Texas ranks about in the middle in all those oh-so-important categories. 'Course you gotta remember that these are the same MENSA candidates that swallowed Jim Lord's comic book fantasy of "Mr CEO." They have a collective IQ of table salt, so we can't expect them to grasp subtle details of geography and demographics.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), August 29, 2000.

CPR, you're wasting your spittle if you think you could change my mind to vote for Bush. In fact, you reassure me that I'm making the right decision. Your thinking embodies what I hate in a man like Bush.

-- Woman (one@f.many.everywhere), August 29, 2000.

"After years of physical and sexual abuse, and no help from law enforcement, she killed her husband"

How do you blame Bush for this?

This makes women look really stupid and helpless. We don't need no sticking gov to make our lives better. We do it ourselves.

So, Texas women don't go on to college. Is that Bush's fault? Aid is available for those who go looking for it.

"women make 75.2% of what the Lone Star men make." Where did you get this statistic? Is that so different from the national average? As I recall, it's not. What is the comparison of the jobs?

So they talk about pussy. Like you can't find bad quotes from other candidates? Give me a break.

-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), August 29, 2000.

Notice that it's all negative about Bush, but they can't find anything positive to say about Gore. Very telling.

-- voter (one@of.lots), August 29, 2000.

"Notice that it's all negative about Bush, but they can't find anything positive to say about Gore. Very telling. "

Gore is a better man than Bush. How's that for positive?

-- (no.doubt@about.that), August 29, 2000.

Postively a lie they both suck wind from the polluted air over texas.

-- (Bushsux@Goredoes.too), August 30, 2000.

How is Gore a better man? Jim Quinatella is a better man than Gore - should we elect him president?

-- voter (one@of.many), August 30, 2000.


-- (please.stop.him@before.he.cyphers.again), September 01, 2000.

I'm a better man than all of them.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 01, 2000.


You have been infected by the dreaded reverse-anthropomorphizing effects of the Carnegie Meme.

Go wash your hands.

{lovely plumage today, by the way - brings out yer eyes}

-- flora (***@__._), September 01, 2000.

I'll never forget the day Klintoon was impeached and algore stood next to him proclaiming him to be a great President. A man who is a proven multiple philanderer and an accused groper and rapist. If Gore had character he would have stood apart from this rat and condemned him and his actions as unworthy to hold the highest office of the land. algore a friend to women? Actions speak differently.

-- Outta beer (Eastofthesmokestack@usa.here), September 01, 2000.

Yeah, there's nothing like the President and Vice President of the United States at each other's throats to promote stability and confidence in our nation. What a plan. LOL.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 01, 2000.

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