Vegas Hotel prices : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Hotel prices

These rates are per night per room of double (2) persons, plus tax

The group rates per night for the weekend of Oct 13 - Oct 15, 2000, 2 nights are:

Excalibur Hotel $139 + tax

Treasure Island $170 +tax

Aladdin Hotel $299 +tax

Caesars Hotel $320 +tax

La Quinta $104 +tax no casino, located next to New York New York

MGM Hotel Sold Out

Imperial Hotel Sold Out

The town is just about sold out, not too many rooms available at the above hotels.

October/November months have a lot of conventions

The La Quinta is considered a motel with a great location.

The La Quinta would cost $52.00 per night per person. Anyone interested? Or would everyone like to go with a Hotel with a casino?

-- Cherri (, August 26, 2000


Got tired of waiting for an consensus.

Booked 2 rooms today for Fri & Sat nite at Westward Ho at fifty bucks a pop per nite.

Westward Ho 800-634-6803

Suprised me cause internet info said it would be $99/ nite.

-- Carlos (, August 26, 2000.

A Hotel named Westward Ho in a state with legalized prostitution?

-- What's this world coming to? (?@?.?), August 26, 2000.


-- (, August 27, 2000.

Atrophy isn't fun to watch, old man.

-- Carlos (, August 27, 2000.

Jesus, that's ridiculous! Those must be the rooms where all the high-rollers stay and end up getting comped if they blow enough money. Any halfway decent casino will have good rooms for less than $50 a night. I don't need to stay where the snobs stay since I don't spend much time in the room anyway.

-- ($320@my.ass), August 27, 2000.

If I could go I'd like to try the hotel that is fashioned after Venice, I just saw it on the History Channel...Anyone gonna go there?

BTW, anyone gonna do digital pics? I'd like to see since I am unable to attend....hubby only gets 'certain' times for vacation and I cant go. :-(

-- consumer (, August 27, 2000.

I'll get pix for ya sumer.don't worry.I'd stay in a cardboard box to not miss this.Sure ya can't make it?,I hear they have GIANT hot tubs with GIANT jets there!!!! : )))

-- capnfun (, August 27, 2000.

Depends on the current conventions going on. If the conventioners don't gamble, then room rates skyrocket. Comdex makes rooms go up by a factor of 4, because nerds avoid the tables.

-- Flint (, August 27, 2000.

Hello Cherri and all....I just made my reservations, and what Cherri is saying is true...most of the big casino hotels are already sold out, and the rest are pretty expensive. I got a double occupancy at Circus Circus (an older casino, on the strip though) for $130 per night.

-- Dan the Power Man (, August 28, 2000.

Capn: Thanks, I do wish to See pics...

Dan: a co-worker said circus circus is tooo many kids, but its ok

-- consumer (, August 28, 2000.

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