NV: Welfare and child support should see computer improvement Monday

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

The upgrades, approved as emergency needs
by Gov. Kenny Guinn, will cost the state
just over $2 million.

Savage told lawmakers when he announced
the planned upgrades that one of the two
mainframes was "approaching meltdown" and
that the other would soon follow if they
didn't act.

. . .

The R-25 handles not only the Department
of Motor Vehicles and Genesis, the
controversial computer system that had
bogged down the DMV, but also the state's
executive budget system. It will be
upgraded Wednesday night.


-- spider (spider0@usa.net), August 26, 2000


Parents told to cope when checks are late August 24th, 2000

Grace Potorti is one of hundreds of women
across the state who has had problems
receiving her child-support checks in recent

. . .

She says her complaints were brushed aside
with excuses of a computer glitch in NOMADS.

Basically I was told I have to bite the
bullet and go without my child support
until they get the computer problems
straightened out, said the single mom
who receives support for one child. All
it would have taken was a letter saying
Gee, were having a problem, but were
working on it. But theyre not. Theyre
telling people to suck it up.

. . .

Despite the problems, Wilden says NOMADS
should be fully functional by November.

Reno Gazette-Journal

-- spider (spider0@usa.net), August 28, 2000.

Computer problem delays child support checks


TB2000 archive

-- spider (spider0@usa.net), August 28, 2000.

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