Aeon featured on Animation World : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
CHECK IT OUT! Aeon Flux is featured on this month. (animation world network) as "Store Specials"; it reads; "Aeon Flux: Check out Peter Chung's stylish and haunting MTV's animated series"...'course it's the series, and animated shorts, they also have all of liquid t.v., if you're interested. The important thing is it's appearance is PROMOTIONAL, usually done by industry when there is something new afoot, or maybe these guys finally figured out there's interest out there for this! (dare I hope)...!!
-- Barb e (, August 26, 2000
we can only hope. but from looking at the site it looked like the usual selling of a video title, it did'nt look like they were featuring/pushing the series.
-- William (, August 26, 2000.
By doing a search on the awn site for Aeon, a few things came up including some info. on Peter Chung's newest commercial and the fact that Colossal Pictures are closing, you can read it, August 26, 2000.
as that did not seem to work try the URL
-- William (, August 26, 2000.
But that article said they are closing August 1999. When the series first shut down,in like 1997, I called Colossal Pictures and spoke with someone then who told me they were going bankrupt, and that Peter Chung was in Korea, with some new plans, but she couldn't say any more. This was the phone number I called, (212)255-2252. I bugged the hell out of them, "You can't cancel Aeon Flux, this is a GOOD show, how can I get a hold of Peter Chung, can't you tell him this is a GREAT show, you have to keep it going...oh they loved me, man. *sarcasm here*
-- Barb e (, August 26, 2000.
I think that the series funding would have been controlled by MTV? so even though Colossal is only about to fold they had to stop producing Aeon in 97. I guess what we all want to know is what are the things stopping new episodes being created, does it simply come down to money?
-- William (, August 26, 2000.
One of my more profound thoughts occurred when I was sitting watching tv and considered how much a 3 minute spot cost compared to the making of the show around it, and suddenly wondered, is the spot the real icon, and the show, 'fluff' to bring you to it?
-- Barb e (, August 26, 2000.
With ad breaks getting more frequent and longer that is a good point. But, I would love to see the commercials Peter is doing.
-- William (, August 26, 2000.
Are those commercials airing anywhere?
-- Barb e. (, September 02, 2000.
From what I have heard they are airing in the US. Has anyone got them on tape? or can describe them?
-- William (, September 02, 2000.
That reminds me of how much I'm dying to see "Loaded" again... Chaos Knight, have you found it yet?
-- Matthew Rebholz (, September 02, 2000.