Creating selection menu in VideoPack 4 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am having trouble creating menus properly with VideoPack 4. Suppose if I created VCD with 3 menu items, the VCD player is always playing the last menu item (i.e number 3) after menu selection time out. I want the VCD player to play the first menu item after menu selection time out (i.e. user did not select which item to play). If I select the menu item manually using the remote, then everything works fine. Can anyone suggest me what I am doing wrong here?

Example: 1 Menu Node and 3 Play List. Menu Node contains 3 menu items.

[Menu 1]->[PlayList 1]->[PlayList 2]->[PlayList 3]->[Menu] [Menu 2]->[PlayList 2]->[PlayList 3]->[Menu] [Menu 3]->[PlayList 3]->[Menu]

Thanks, Pat

-- Pat (, August 24, 2000


Hello Pat.

Here is what you need to do .-

1) On your work space ( the area where you put the Menu and Play items ) RIGHT CLICK on any empty space. 2) A Little Menu Appears. Choose DESKTOP ---> SHOW MENU ROUTINGS 3) Now your MENU ICON shuld have 5 line conections at the bottom. 4) From left to right they are a) DEFAULT b) PREVIOUS c) NEXT d) RETURN e) TIME OUT

Just make the conections between the DEFAULT and TIME OUT to your first Play Item and you are set.

To switch again to the Normal Menu Routings ( links ) just repeat steps 1 and 2.

Hope this helps you.

Happy authoring.

Roberto Gomez Torres. Mexico City, Mexico.

-- Roberto Gomez Torres (, August 25, 2000.

Right click on the play item you wish to be the one that willbe played on timeout, and from the little popup menu select 'Make Timeout'

-- Andreas Cittlau (, August 26, 2000.

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