Got cats and extra rice? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I'm still keeping plenty of extra food around for the global superstorms, but I still have more rice than I need. Ran out of cat litter and couldn't get to the store, so I tried some of the rice. Works good!

-- (the@frugal.gourmet), August 24, 2000


And it will have that special taste when you steam it.


-- DB (, August 24, 2000.

Rice pilaf! hmmmMmmm good!

-- (tres@tres.bon!), August 24, 2000.

cat poolaf??----strange---times!!

-- al-d. (, August 24, 2000.

tuna helper!!

mmmmm, mmmmm gooood!

-- (after@cats.finish), August 24, 2000.

LOL! Now that's what I call a good tip. With 9 cats, I'll file that in my memory bank.

-- gilda (, August 25, 2000.

Rofl...I only bought the boil in da bag kind, could you imagine what my bill would be if I chose to use it instead of the litter?

Oh my.

-- consumer (, August 25, 2000.

MEOW! I hate pooping on rice.

-- (, August 25, 2000.

add a few rabbit toids & yu gots=rice-pudding!!

-- al-d. (, August 25, 2000.

I think this idea is really creative and I'm sure it would work well. I just don't think I could ever make and eat my rice dishes again after seeing the result of the 'used' kitty rice. I have a recipe that calls for yellow rice with steak strips in it. That's just too close for comfort.

-- Debra (, August 25, 2000.


So that is how you are supposed to make yellow rice. I have been wasting money buying expensive crocus pollen from Spain. Thanks for the tip. :<) I will give it a try.


-- DB (, August 25, 2000.

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