Is it true about CPR? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
....that he's going to move to Australia?Apparently CPR has become terribly disheartened, after reading a number of expose articles in The Onion. He has become convinced that life in the United States, especially intellectual life, is going straight to hell. Hence the reported move.
-- Peter Errington (, August 24, 2000
Link please, Peter.
-- Bingo1 (, August 24, 2000.
Poor Pete Errorington, for a guy who in 1999 was completely and absolutely wrong about everything, he sure sounds smug...
-- Y2K Pro (, August 24, 2000.
convinced that life in the United States, especially intellectual life, is going straight to hellstruth Oz isn't exactly the intellectual capital of the known universe
-- richard (, August 24, 2000.
I think you misinterpreted the story. He's the first member selected to be on Survivor II, which will take place in Australia.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 24, 2000.
If that's the way he feels, he should just have his ISP block out internet access to all U.S. sites.
-- (, August 24, 2000.
What makes you think that Australia will take him?
-- (, August 24, 2000.
Probably trading homesteads with Stan Deyo who has learned his lesson and is heading back here.
-- Whatever (, August 24, 2000.
I hadn't heard about Stan and Holly returning to the U.S.A. Damn, I miss Art Bell something fierce. I have noticed my general outlook has improved since his retirement. Wonder if there's a connection?
-- Bingo1 (, August 24, 2000.
What will the sheeted ones of doom think of next? How typical that they attack someone who doesn't even seem to post here any more. What losers. Pathetic, fucking losers. Grow a spine, doomwimps.
-- Peter is a peckerhead (go@fuck.yourself), August 24, 2000.
Doomzies and De-bunkers fund special Web Page for PETER ERRINGBOY : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread
See where the ErringBoy spends hour after hour improving his motor skills.
-- cpr (, August 24, 2000
-- cpr (, August 24, 2000.
To Y2K-Pro and Louis:I'm not going to respond to you two crowd-pleasers, at least not for the moment. One idiot at a time.
You are probably so insanely stupid that you don't even know why I did my little josh today, rather than say a week ago.
-- Peter Errington (, August 24, 2000.
"How typical that they attack someone who doesn't even seem to post here any more."Say what? What forum are you talking about? cpr is here every day, telling us that the price of oil is going to nose-dive, any day now...
And what's different from this, and what Andy Ray did to me, and dozens of other doomers?
Seems to me that you are the peckerhead...
-- Sysman (, August 24, 2000.
I don't think I posted that.
-- cpr (, August 25, 2000.