Hard drive space required to encode a 65 min videogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have a friend who owns an ATI All in wonder Pro which works perfectly to encode AVI movies. However I want to encode a 65 min videotape in Mpeg format 320x200 30 frames per sec audio 44.1 Khz mono 16 bits.Two questions.
1. Is there as software to encode in mpeg format on the fly without going through an AVI because my friend only has 1 Gb of free Hard disk space.
2. How much free space should I get if 1Gb is not enough?
I just want to make sure the quality will be just good enough without taking up more than 1 CD-R.
Your help will be appreciated.
-- Charles Martineau (martineau9019@home.com), August 21, 2000
1) yes, the tv program shipped with the ati AIW should do it. more info here.. http://www.members.home.com/richa2) VCD 352x240 fits 74 minutes on a disk and plays back in some dvd players to boot.
Happy encoding
-- eric (eric@nospan.snowmoon.com), August 21, 2000.
Well, what you are are talking about is not a true video cd. You are talking about a Data CD with a MPG file on it that would only work on a computer. Anyway, the direct answer is yes! This is going at the Video CD video bitrate. I think it would fit since your file is mono and it is not the full 352. I have a ATI TV Wonder and can encode directly to MPEG-1. To see if you can do this, open the Television program and click on the setup button(on mine it is a checkmark box). In the setup box, click on the "Digital VCR" tab. Click the "Custom" cirlce, then the "set" button. Under "format", select "MPEG-1", then click the "MPEG Settings" button and set the bitrates and other stuff. I hope this helps and your ATI software may be different. Anyway, Good Luck
-- Jay (jlink84@yahoo.com), August 21, 2000.