why no contiuesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
why are no contiues allowed in recordings
-- bradh (bradhig@yahoo.com), August 21, 2000
uh, because they diminish the skill level? why do YOU think continues should be allowed?
-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), August 21, 2000.
because it is worthless. period.
-- no-name (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), August 22, 2000.
Well put, Hisa. I doubt that anyone else could have said it better.You see, bradh, MARP is a page that determines how much skill you have with as little help as you can get. That's why in Joust, you only get 5 lives instead of infinite; that's why it's the same # of lives for Bombjack, and possibly soon, Q*Bert. Although none of them have the option to put in coins to continue the game, they all can keep going and going without needing as much skill as if you only had limited # of lives.
Let me see if I can put this better. If you read Electronic Gaming Monthly, they recently reviewed Strider 2 for Playstation, where you are given infinite continues. Yes, this appeals more to the average gamer of this generation, where they just want to blaze through a game as fast as they can without exploring; however, many people felt that infinite continues isn't in the true spirit of the game, where you have to learn every little detail, every little AI, and every gigantic boss.
So, let's take a game from MARP now that let's you continue; I've been doing some research on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Arcade Game (for NES) recently, so let's look at that one. Let's theoretically say that MARP will let you go on for as long as you want, and no one cares about how many coins you put in. There are 2 places in this game that let you "leech" points off of an infinite amount of easy bad guys, so you could just keep killing the bad guys, and if you somehow die, you put in another coin, and you just keep pushing the score. Eventually, someone would put in enough time to get 9,999. All this proves, though, is this person's ability to tolerate those 2 points of the game, and to marathon it; it does not prove how well he/she actually plays the game.
I hope that has been descriptive enough. Anyone else have anything they want to add?
J.D. Lowe
-- J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com), August 22, 2000.
I agree with your wise words JD!QRS
-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), August 22, 2000.
I agree too.Continue is the worst way to complete a game. Personally i disable the continue feature from every game i play (when possible).
I don's see the point of allow continue....a Gp pilot can't continue if he arrive 2nd o 3rd, a swimmer or any another athlete can't continue too. So why we shold continue?
-- Giovanni "Gby" solinas (tharon@tiscalinet.it), August 22, 2000.
i want to see game completed rather then just people getting high scores
-- bradh (bradhig@yahoo.com), August 22, 2000.
Well, right now MARP exists for the sake of high scores, not whether a game was completed or not. As everyone has said, it doesn't take much skill to keep popping in coins and playing your way through the end. If that's all you want, you can do that yourself and have a better time than watching someone else trudge through a game the same way. We're all about skill here (arguments aside) and I wouldn't want to see that changed.Cheers, Brian
-- Brian McLean (bmclean84@hotmail.com), August 22, 2000.
i want to see game completed rather then just people getting high scoresIn case you hadn't noticed, those aren't real quarters you're using on MARP. :) If you want to see a game completed, do it yourself (or possibly check BBH's high score list)
Aside from that, you'll see a number of games where players have opted to put a high score .inp instead of a completed game .inp. It's not that we don't want to finish games, it's just that we want the challenge of only getting one chance to do so.
Besides, games that can be completed make up only a portion of MARP. I don't play many games that can be completed. Where's the skill level going to be if I can pump in as much money as I want? Read the introductory and rules pages if you want to know what base MARP was founded on.
Anyway, I think everyone has said enough for you to get the picture.
Q.T.Quazar, MARP Rules Coordinator
-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), August 22, 2000.
Ack! I didn't even realize that I wrote so much earlier! I guess I had some stress to get rid of (koa, DeVry, and Mom :) ), and I had some sort of outlet; I hate to say it, but I've got some more to say, QT, and I'll try to make it short :)O.K., then, let's take what you said, bradh: "i want to see game completed rather then just people getting high scores". That's perfectly alright to ask for that. I'm sure we all at some point in our lives used continues to get through any game, or just to experiment. But if MARP lets players finish the game with as many credits as they want, then all our inps will be experiments. We would be showing theoretically what could happen with one credit, if our skill levels were built up that high. MARP isn't about showing something theoretical; it's about showing it ACTUALLY HAPPENING. MARP is kinda like a lab (I'd say the whole word, but I need BenJo, er, Spell Check :) ); we DISCUSS what could happen with our skills, and then we actually prove it.
D'oh! I think this was long again. Sorry for cluttering up the message board; I feel a lot better, though, for some reason :)
J.D. Lowe
-- J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com), August 22, 2000.
-- Hisa-Chan (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), August 23, 2000.
Haha I really like your "simple" solution Hisa-Chan!Please correct me if I4m wrong, but I think there is a game that allows continue on TG settings.. some ninja game or something..
Can some of the Gamegurus here confirm that?? I saw something about that some month ago..I think Steve Krogman said something about strange settings etc.. and the option to continue to the game ends.
But i have to point out that I don4t like continues on the real arcade machines,or on marp.. it4s just a matter of money to complete a game then.. No challenge at all..
I only use continue on marp when I4m learning a game.. and don4t have the time to start over every single time I die at a boss etc.. Just to learn the patterns.. When i know the patterns, I simply don4t use continues anymore:) No Need for it then..
-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), August 24, 2000.
How about I finish this topic off, once and for all.http://www.twingalaxies.com/Rules1.html
If I may quote from it:
"1.2 One-Credit Games Only No buy-ins allowed. Barring exceptions that are individually listed in the difficulty settings of each game, scores are accepted only on one-credit games. Games that allow or even encourage multiple buy- ins have to be dealt with on a game-by-game basis.
Buy-ins, unfortunately, produce scores that reflect a persons wallet and not their skill. Most modern games feature buy-ins and some dont even award the player with a score at the end of the game. Buy-ins are absolutely ruled out, except for a few games like Area 51 or Maximum Force which produce an inevitable ending despite buy-ins."
So yes, there are some (ooo, he's experimenting with HTML, that's not good :) ) games that allow buy ins. I don't know about any in MAME that allow them, but some games do allow them. If I find anything else, I'll bring it up.
J.D. Lowe
-- J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com), August 24, 2000.
oh, I forgot to say that I Never use continue in my uplodings of course..;)Regards
-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), August 24, 2000.
I think the game you`re talking about QRS , is ' Bad Dudes Vs. Dragonninja '
-- AL (alexweir@indigo.ie), August 24, 2000.
Yes, Alex.. you have right the game I was talking about is "Baddudes" and the TG settings is as Steve Krogman says in his description of his recording..:"TG settings used. Note: The TG setting is (buy-ins allowed untill inevitable end of game is reached) I did use some cont. but plan on the next one using none" Strange TG settings... Cheers QRS
-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), August 24, 2000.
This was from the MARP era where Krogman, as best as I can tell, took a guess as to what official TG settings should be, and posted TG in his description box. I can't find any proof that there are actual TG settings, and I don't see any reason why there should be for this game.Changing the continues allowed on this game was something I was going to post for vote next month, because I was yelled at certain players last time I said I was going to delete all scores that used continues. Presumptuous? Definitely. But I don't see any reason why not.
So let's make this thread a little longer. Who wants to wipe scores which use continues on DragonNinja and it's clones?
-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), August 24, 2000.
I vote that all scores that uses continue will be deleted!(Baddudes) I will delete my own right now :)
-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), August 24, 2000.