What is the best capture format for AVI using AIW128 ? size doesn't matter...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi friends,

I'd like to know what is the best format when I want to capture Video with AIW128 to make AVI file ? Size doesn't matter. Even if possible, I also want to know whether ATI AIW128 can capture video FULL FRAMES without any compression.

I'm used to use YVU9 format, but the color only 9 bit... I need for the best result as in 24 bit

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Sunar.

-- Sunar Karjadi (rekotomo@denpasar.wasantara.net.id), August 21, 2000


The two bets formats ( raw ) are Packed YUV or YUY2, both are 4:2:2 formats. I would recomment YUY2 because it works with both the VirtualDub noise reduction and huffyuv ( lossless codec ).

There are no rgb support in the ATI cards. 4:2:2 is the best you are going to get. It's only 16 bits per pixel but from an analog source, that's all that can be expected.

Happy encoding -Eric

-- eric (eric@nospam.snowmoon.com), August 21, 2000.

I have both WinTV and ATI AIW128 capture board, and WinTV has the capability to capture 16, 24, 32 RGB format. I have tested RGB24, RGB32 versus YUY2(HUFFYUY) and ATI produces better result. Now ATI will have a problem with FULL FRAMES avi, since its native format is MPEG2. You'll have a little problem with frame dropping when using it to capture full frame AVI.

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), August 23, 2000.

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