SVCD encoder : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there any other SVCD recording software apart from Nero?

-- kwan (, August 21, 2000


You can use I-Author to author your MPEG it can produce a .cif file, then use EZCDCreator to burn the CIF to SVCD.


-- Tuan (, August 22, 2000.

What's wrong with Nero?

This software has proven itself over and over on both VCD and SVCD to be very versatile in making them. Not many software out there will let you make none compliant VCD better then Nero.

I've tested its capability with another format, VBR Mpeg1 VCD at 4000kbps, and it has no problem burning it to CD-R. The best thing is that the disc will play fine in the stand alone DVD player with quality rival to SVCD/DVD.

-- lnguyen (, August 23, 2000.

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