Greenspun : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
With the recent down time the forum has seen lately, perhaps now would be a good time for those of us that appreciate the forum to let TPTB know we are greatful for the free service they provide. I believe you can email the following address for the lusenet system
I have already done so and would encourage others here to do the same.
-- Aunt Bee (, August 20, 2000
Aunt Bee, I too have been thankful for the invisable "chalk board", some kind sole has provided, with expertise. Still remember his dog, and the wonderful picture trails, that once happened, they were a feast for eyes. Miss the picture trails. Might not remember your name (nothing new), but I shall always remember, you offered a "feast for the eyes", once upon a time, long ago. While fear was strong, Thank you. Maybe your pictures helped "steady" this ship.
-- God Almighty! (Y2K, August 20, 2000.