Is anybody using BT Surftime? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I would like to know how good you think it is. (:o)

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2000


I'm using Telewest's SurfUnlimited service - #10 per month unlimited access. We also have Telewest's phone service (2 separate lines) and need to also spend #10 min per month in regular phone charges.
Telewest had massive problems when this unmetered service was introduced as they were swamped with new subscribers, but it is generally OK now, if slow. Their technical support service is pretty good, and does not involve expensive telephone charges as with many other ISP's
I'm intending to switch to their high-speed service when it becomes available in our area later in the year. I believe they are intending to charge #33 pm for this service. Prior to getting the unmetered service I was paying ca. #60 pm in connection charges, so #33 pm doesn't seem to bad at all.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2000

Thanks for the reply Clarky!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2000

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