Bad attorneys : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Hello, please could you look into information on what rights i have as a victim of a work injury and what i can do about the attorney i have who has not done anything for me as of yet and how can i find an other attorney that will pick up my case, form this attorney who is only out for his share of the money. I only want someone to realize that i am really hurt and will be for the rest of my life, and feel that were i got hurt at. should take some responiblity for what happened since I fell form a wet floor with no sign posted wet floor! and now have been in pain for the last almost 3 yrs now! I have always worked and would still work but, my attorney seems to be on the the side of the attorney who we are fighting! were can i get help? please if you can let me know dont i have the right to good repensention? thank you and god bless you josie

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2000


Josie, I'm sorry, but I cannot offer you legal advice in this forum. I wish you the best of luck.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2000

Try calling a different lawyer.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2000

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