Use of Lithium-Ion batteries : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Batteries for use with cell phones usually fall into two categories: NiMH and Li-Ion, with the Li-Ion batteries generally having a larger mAh capacity and no memory effect. Why can't Li-Ion batteries be used with my Olympus C-2500L? Is it a thermal problem?

-- Steve Jurovich (, August 17, 2000


Been wondering the same thing. I found a site which sells AA sized lithium ion batteries in sets of two wired together... but here's the rub:

The two batteries produces 7.4 volts @ 1300mAh. Each battery produces 3.7 volts a piece.

Since nimh batteries are 1.2 volts @ 1500-2000mAh, it's quite a difference.

You probably wouldn't be able to use the batteries as they are inside of a camera without damage the camera and/or the batteries. What would need to happen is a regulating circuit needs to be put in place to control the output of the battery. And likewise, a way to recharge the battery.

-- Wing Wong (, December 27, 2002.

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