Requesting information on the Savannah & Southern RR : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

I am researching the Savannah & Southern RR (aka Tuten RR) which connected with the SAL at Norden and later at Lanier, both located in Bryan County, Georgia. The line began in the mid 1880s and operated until 1923. Initially built as a logging tram road to Letford, the railroad became a passenger line which eventually was extended southwest to Glennville connecting with the Georgia Coast & Peidmont RR. Another line was established east from Letford (the Savannah Division) which led to Corinth and possibly to Clyde or even Savannah before declaring bankruptcy in the early 1920s. If any one has anything further information, or photographs, artifacts or RR ephemera related to the Savannah & Southern RR I would like to hear from you. Thank you for your help.

-- Dale L. Sadler (, August 16, 2000


The Savannah & Southern Railway was chartered September 20, 1909, and openeed between Norden and Willie, GA, a distance of 13 miles, in 1911. The line was extended from Norden to Lanier, a distance of 2.2 miles in 1914, and extended from Willie to Glenville in 1916. It was abandoned in 1923.

-- Robert H. Hanson (, September 06, 2000.

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