2 tickets I can't usegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread |
I have 2 tickets that I bought for $145 each, that I can't use. Willing to sell them for the same amount so that someone else can go. Anyone interested?
-- Jan Keaffaber (keaffabers@aol.com), August 16, 2000
Hey, you've probably sold your tickets already but if not one of them could find a happy home with me (on my birthday no less) if this is a possiblity give me a call (858) 337-8808, the only problem is that we're leaving tonight (aug 27th) so if I could buy one of your tickets please hurry to call
-- Megan (dolphiny@aol.com), August 27, 2001.
let me know if you still have tickets for sale, i can pay in a variety of ways...whatever is convenient for you.justin 303 830 1720
-- justin Dominguez (sungoku0@lycos.com), August 22, 2001.
I would like to buy your tickets How do you want payment
-- Thomas Edgar McDonald (FOUDUDE@aol.com), August 17, 2000.