What is a good capture card under #300 (UK) for quality VCDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Any recommendations on a good capture card for under #300 UK pounds? Your advice will be most appreciated.Thanks
-- Chris (cdc1@lineone.net), August 16, 2000
dear sir, is there any professional capture card. which can capture vhs to mpg. apllication for news making, add making (audio visual).
-- koushik roy (kousikie@yahoo.com), December 03, 2000.
go to www.videoguys.com for a complete list of capture cards. Prices, what they can do, how they ranked and even buy online.
-- Leaderless (I_HAVE_NO_PRESIDENT_IN_THEUS@oh.no), December 03, 2000.
use google search for this
-- kiding (yahoo@hotmail.com), December 03, 2002.