Panasonic encoder - video and audio out of synch : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have used Virtualdub to capture movies. I use MJPEG codec but enable the spill system so that I get multiple files of less than 2 GB. However when I use Panasonic 2.5 standalone encoder to get .mpg files, the video and audio gets out of synch, not in the first section but in subsequent sections. Eg if I have two avi files after capture, I then encode with Panasonic encoder using batch mode and specifying merge into one file, the resulting .mpg file will be alright until I reach the section with the later avi file. Here the video and audio gets out of synch.

I have checked the input avi files and they will both be in synch

Does anyone have any ideas about the cause and how to rectify?

-- TL (, August 16, 2000


This has always been a problem in analogue and the capture program AV_IO uses a sound locking process and it can hold sync over a 100 2G files if you have the space. When I captured analogue it gave no problems at all up to the 75 minute card limit I had at the time.

-- Ross McL (, August 16, 2000.


Ok, problem is that the avi's need to be merged with an unaligned splice, not an aligned splice that panasonic does. Your best bet is to use the frameserver. This will solve all of your problems and open up the entire vdub filtering system at your disposal. If you do not intend to use filters, just set video and audio to direct stream copy.

There are articles on how to use the frameserver on the following site.

Happy encoding


-- eric (, August 16, 2000.

What i have done to fix this is using the virtual dub i make a seperate wave file for each clip. i then use virtual dub and change the frame rate so audio and video match. I then go under audio and select wave. I then save the file. And when using the batch method on panasonic with the merge file checked it will put them together synced. I have done up to 4 different files (each around 20-30mins) and i have had no problems when i do it this way. I have tried it the way you have and sometimes have experienced the same problem. I used the soundforge program to make a wave file from my mpeg clip (does it really simply and quick, it does allow you to input avi files to)

-- DOUG (MAZINZ@AOL.COM), August 16, 2000.

I read about Your trouble (I had the same problem) and if it's actual yet, there is an easer way to do it.

Use VirtualDub and Save Wav... from avi-source. For Encoding use TMPGEnc (link for download on Video source file choose "your.avi" and Audio source choose "your.wav" generated by VirtualDub. Then start encoding to mpg. TMPGEnc is slower than Panasonic Encoder, but it work as You wish.

-- Milan PROCHACZKA (, January 22, 2001.

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