how do i make a : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
can anybody recomend a capture card,enocding software and vcd writing softwre? i would like to put my home videos on to vcd/svcd to play back on my pioneer dvd 626
-- james smith (, August 15, 2000
Hi James,You should have a good long look at the posts in the archive section below *Making your own VCDs*. Much depends on what hardware you already have and how much you want to spend and what else you might want to do (like dumping edited video back to tape). A cheap way in is to use a TV tuner card with video-in. Capture with VirtualDub (freeware) and encode with TMPEG (freeware), then burn with Nero or WinOnCD. You'll find links to all the relevant freeware in the posts and archives here.
-- Frank Marshall (, August 16, 2000.
James,I just started converting my VHS tapes to VCD. Here are the products I used to create them. Both packages are easy to use and the quality is good. Better editing features would be nice. Dazzle is an external USB or Parallel device making installation easy.
Dazzle(Special Edition Around $200) to create my mpeg files. Adaptec(Easy CD Creator Deluxe around $100) to burn the VCD.
There are numerous packages to achieve your goals, some are cheaper some are more expensive. Dazzle and Adaptec works for me.
-- Bob (, August 17, 2000.