DC265 locked up.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

My DC265 kodak locked up after loading the flashcard. It happened once before and came back after leaving batteries back awhile. This time it won't. All it will do is blink the green light for 5seconds after power on. Nothing else happens, lcd display is dead and top display. Lens is stuck out. Is there a magic reset sequence?

N. Davis

-- N. Davis (Sunrace@aol.com), August 15, 2000


I'd check with Kodak service. I don't know if you're using rechargeables, but if so are they fully charged? If the batteries are up to snuff, then I'd contact Kodak. Sounds like it doesn't like something. Have you tried it without the CF card?

-- Gerald M. Payne (gmp@surferz.net), August 16, 2000.

Try it WITHOUT the CF card, if it turns on and displays NO CARD, then the camera is ok. Be sure that you are using freshly charged NiMH batteries or have the camera connected to the AC adapter. Reformat the card and see what happens. If nothing happens, call Kodak and ask for an RMA.

-- R Feria (nospam@feria-family.net), August 21, 2000.

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