Matrox Marvel G400 and other : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I need some tips from experts here. I have a Marvel G400 and has been doing some capture. The AVI looks good but a bit grainy, I guess because of the MJPEG codecs it uses. Is there anyway I can use this card with other capture codecs, and can do capture that is multiple 2GB AVI without drop frame? I am using ReelCap Pro now to achieve batch capture without drop frame. I am using P3 - 733MHz.Can virtualdub do that with Marvel? I used to own a Broadway card that can't take any other codecs other than the hardware codecs (or maybe I just don't know how to tweak it to use other codecs)
Any tips? I have tried the Morgan MJPEG codecs but it seems to complaint that my codecs won'd compress at 352x288 when I re-render my AVI after editing in Ulead Media Studio Pro 6.
-- Rusman E. Priyana (, August 15, 2000
Hi Rusman,I'm not an expert but I use a G200. Most everything you listed here can be done with the Marvel but I suggest you search the archives at the Matrox Users forum. There are lots of folks making VCDs with their Marvels. Here's the URL: action=topics&forum=Desktop+Video&number=2&DaysPrune=5&LastLogin=
or go to the Matrox website and follow the links to Discussions on Video. Briefly, using the Marvel with other codecs involves hacking the card to deliver YUY2 externally with *huffYUY*. You'll find links at the forum to it. Then you can capture *internally* with any fast software codec and break the 2G barrier with VDub. Do searches on YUY2 and Virtual Dub at the forum. As for MSP, I don't use it but again, a search at the Matrox Users Forum will yeild a ton of info.
Have fun!
-- Frank Marshall (, August 15, 2000.
Thanks, Frank. A ton of info indeed! Over the last hour I have been reading the postings there. Can't wait to get hands on tonight. Thanks again.Cheers,
-- Rusman E. Priyana (, August 16, 2000.