American broadcasts : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

Does anyone know when TLC will be airing the episodes they are filming now? A search of TLC's schedule hasn't turned up anything. Thanks

-- Bill Dudley (, August 13, 2000


It is going to be in January and February 2001. As far as I know, there isn't anything more definite news than that, as yet.

-- Andy Bell (, August 15, 2000.

I am assuming that the Jan/Feb stuff is the US series only. Any recent developments concerning the 3rd UK series showing in the US?

-- Jeff (, August 15, 2000.

I don't know when it will be aired in the US but the 3rd series starts this Sunday in the UK, and watching the trailer it's looks like it's going to be a good one. (Don't like Robert Llewellyn's suit hes wearing though, well dodgey)

Dave, Kendal - England

-- Dave Whitehead (, September 14, 2000.

There's going to be a marathon of both encore episodes and new stuff from season 2 and 3 from the British show on November 24th. Also, episodes from the British show will be airing through December, with all new premiere episodes airing in January.

-- Alison Boesel (, September 15, 2000.

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