Tjey're all off to sunny Spain...... : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread play Espanyol. According to Ronnie, this is the squad:

Given, Harper, Barton, Goma, Dabizas, Marcelino, Hughes, Gavilan, Griffin, Lee, Speed, Dyer, Gallacher, Ferguson, Shearer, Cord, Cort, Glass.

Eighteen go. How many will come back? P'raps Marcie will stay with his paella eating chums. Have a good weekend lads - wish I was joining you.

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000


Cord? Is this another .cock special? Axl is easier to spell and gets you more scrabble points. ;-)

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000

I'll be praying that Large Duncan, dosen't get a game..... He's bound to get crocked. . The match kicks off at 9 Pm saturday night, is there a webcast(in English) or is it on Spanish / Satalite Tv or radio?

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000

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