Why was yesterday better than the day before?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Let's have a little optimism around here. Tell us what was good about yesterday.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
Seeing the mountains. Sitting under the umbrella on the patio reading Straight Man waiting for the grilling salmon to be done. Hooking up the scanner. Taking pictures of our fruit trees full of apricots, pears, and plums. Enjoying cooler weather. Receiving Susan's graduation announcment.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
Getting a book I ordered from Amazon in the mail.Went to a good meeting.
Saw that my depressed friend had left the house (we were at a birthday party last night) and was quite friendly and seemed to be having a good time, though I couldn't talk to him.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
I found out a friend of mine is very smitten with one of my best friends. I'm to keep my mouth shut about it, but it was so wonderful watching him get giggly and sweet about someone that I, too, think is the bee's knees.That, and I had a delicious, homemade watermelon sorbet at a local creamery.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
I got drafts of two books out at work and updated my schedule to show realistic dates for completing them.Both were hanging over my head.
I have cleared the decks to go all-out on a project that's due at the end of next week.
I have got the worrying, the procrastination, and the guilt out of the way, and am read to rock and roll.
People asked to reprint two essays I wrote last week for a contest in their little magazines.
It's Friday. I have all weekend to write, read, work in the yard, and watch rented movies in the VCR.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
I'm on vacation next week so that means my vacation starts when I leave today. Yee-ha.Yesterday I got a lot of little things done for said vacation, and had a martini and a delicious dinner with my spouse. And my paint by number pictures of Jesus and Mary that I got from ebay came.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
yesterday my girlfriend sent email hugs and called to say she missed me. definitely better than the day before, when she was thinking about breaking up with me and we spent three hours on the phone crying and arguing and trying to understand each other.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
There was not one goddamn thing that was good about yesterday. But I will try.1. The funeral was lovely, and Grandma's corpse didn't fall out of the casket. 2. I didn't actually throw up from crying when my boyfriend broke up with me, even though I felt like I was about to. 3. ....
Sorry, I'm out.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000
I solved lots of work-related problems yesterday and made myself look like a bit of a hero-biscuit in the process, so that was pretty cool. And Tristan and I had a lovely evening together and got along famously.
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2000
Last night I moved my desk to a position that allows me to actually work, instead of just grinding my teeth about how uncomfortable it is to be looking at someone else's back one foot in front of you. It's my professor's old desk. He hates change. I waited a respectful year and notified him three times I was going to do it. I should have said permission be damned and just done it on Day One. Both my officemate and I are ever so much more relaxed now that we have some space between us. I wonder what else I should be taking the initiative on...
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2000