DVD/SVCD/VCD changer

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Anyone knows if there are Changers (from 3 to 7 discs) that can play DVD and SVCD, other than classic VCD, and accept CDR discs? SVCD playback is mandatory. Any URL appreciated.


-- Jean-Luc Picard (jl.picard@startrekmail.com), August 11, 2000


Pioneer DVC302D (3 Disc DVD Changer for VCD/CD/CD-R) does what you want.

-- Yuping (yuping@yupingli.com), August 11, 2000.

The sony DVD player DVP C600D is a 5 disk changer which had dual laser and will read CDR (no CDRW) and will play DVD, VCD and although does not state it, SVCD will definitely play if properly authored SVCD with SVCD compliant MPEG2 files (although the clock runs fast). MPEG1 files which are remux with the proper padding (using latest TMPEG) will also play but the fast fowarding does not work properly but does work properly with the SVCD compliant MPEG2. This player will not recogize menus on the SVCD but will play each track of the video.

This is an older model (1998-1999) and I doubt is available unless bought used. The newer model DVP C650D (1999-2000) had the dual laser removed and will not play CDR and I do not know if it will play commercial SVCD. I also do not know if any other sony DVD players will play SVCD.

-- klebsiella (klebsiella@visto.com), August 11, 2000.

I have Pioneer DV-K302CD, and it plays DVD/SVCD/VCD. I have made VCD and SVCD using both CD-R and CD-RW with no problems. It does something strange with SVCD menus sizing, but the actual video clips look fine.

look for it at www.pioneer.com.sg 700Sin$ here in Singapore

-- guy nicholson (guynicholson@yahoo.com), August 15, 2000.

Yo!! I`ve bought three modeles Of JVC`s 5 disc changers that I wanted to play back cd-r`s on SVCD and I`ve had nothing but problems. They are telling me the laser eye assembly is the problem which costs more than a whole new deck!!! Very frustrating Later, Todd

-- R. Todd Harbaugh (rtharpomarx@aol.com), April 03, 2004.

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