Journalers who have disappeared : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Does anyone know what happened to Athena - much ado about...?

Seems like she just vanished. Or maybe I've missed something.


-- Anonymous, August 10, 2000


What about

the author of One Hand Clapping and Lisa who kept the runner's journal and Evan of Why? and Chel of and ....

The downside of reading journals: when the journalers disappear without a trace.

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000

What about

the author of One Hand Clapping and Lisa who kept the runner's journal and Evan of Why? and Chel of and Sam who used to rawr! and Sarah of anneal.

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000

There was this really sexy Polynesian chick, I forget her name, but she did something cool for the online journal movement, but I forget what it was. Anyway, she taught me a lot about a certain language, but I forget just now what that language was. Anyway, she was really really hot. And she had a boyfriend whose name escapes me, and she lived on some island somewhere, but I can't remember now what it was and the background color of her pages was #660000.

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000

After all these years, the first hint that Ellie is really Polynesian.

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2000

Renee, Phoenix of One Hand Clapping is still around, but she's been overloaded with work and hasn't had time to write for a while. She told me a while back that she still intends to go back to her journal, although in a slightly different format, as soon as the work crisis blows over (assuming it ever does, since it's for a start-up and you know how those things go...).

Just thought I'd put your mind at rest. :-)

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2000

You know, on a more serious note, this sort of thing always brings me back to the old problem of "what happens if i *die* and no one knows?"

I mean i don't have a gazillion readers, but i do have a certain set number of regulars plus the drifters who come in and out.

I don't update every day any more, so who knows when someone would notice it's been an unusual amount of time?

I have often wondered what i would do if one of my online buddies disappeared all of a sudden, never posting, never updating, never answering e-mail. Is he/she sick? Dead? Suddenly not able to be online anymore? And how would you know?

Am i the only freak who wonders about this sort of thing? :)

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2000

No, Sherry - I, too, worry about someone I read/e-mail/IM with disappearing, only for no one to ever find out what happened.

As far as Athena, I've been wondering about her myself. It seems like no one know what happened. Very strange. She updated fairly regularly, if not to the journal, at least to her notify list.

Perhaps I should find someone to act as a 'contact' person in case something terrible should ever happen. I'd want the loyal readers I have to know.

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2000

I used to worry about it a little. But now I figure someone will post something in the forum, or Jeremy's sister will let you know, or she'll let Jolene know and Jolene can tell Diary-L and someone can post it here and you can all commence weeping and wailing and all that good stuff.

So never fear, if I die you'll hear about it. If I disappear during a snit fit, on the other hand, you may be left to wonder!

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2000

I keep meaning to send Athena a postcard. I am really worried about her. I will send it tomorrow and let you know if she writes back or calls. I hope its just a computer problem.

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2000

There was a journal that I used to read, it disappeared though. I think I found it through Xeney's links but its no longer there. It was a girl, about 28-32ish I think and I got the impression she lived somewhere in the Southern States. She owned her own house. And wanted a new one and was looking for it. She and her brother used to spend Christmas/holidays together. I'm not sure where her parents where.

I miss that journal.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2000


Are you by any chance talking about Marcia? She lives in Nebraska, has her own house, both of her parents have passed on, and she has a brother. Her journal was called Snapshots (actually, I think it had another name, then she renamed it and revamped her site before taking it down). She does email updates pretty regularly; if you want to know the url to subscribe, let me know...

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2000

Im pretty sure that's it!!. Can you email??


-- Anonymous, August 18, 2000 did send a post card to Athena. She heard back from her last night. Apparently she hasn't turned on her computer since Memorial day, but is doing well. Not sure about any resumption of the journal.

Laura B - thanks for getting this thread started. I kinda been wondering about Athena too.


-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

Um. Hi.

Yes, I am actually alive and just peachy keen. I did in fact take a completely unplanned hiatus (3 months) in which I never once turned on my computer. I simply couldn't do it. For the deeper meaning as to why, your guess is as good as mine. The fact that other things in my life were consuming my time and energy is the most simple reason.

For those who were worried and concerned, I've shared my apologies and reasons. I am back now though and everything is very, very good.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2000

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