NASA to Send Two Rovers to Mars in : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
WASHINGTON (States News Service) -- Promising an ambitious course for Mars exploration after recent mission setbacks, NASA will send twin rovers to Mars in 2003 -- an unprecedented goal -- to roam the surface in search of ancient signs of water, the agency announced Thursday.The identical, golf-cart-sized craft -- described as the "sport utility vehicle of Mars Rovers" -- will be launched within months (the first on May 22, the second on June 4) to radically different landing sites that each may contain signs of water.
Adding a second rover to Mars will bring "double the science at half the cost of the first mission," said NASA Associate Administrator for Space Science Ed Weiler.
The full story:
-- FactFinder (, August 10, 2000
The Martians will be very pissed
-- (, August 10, 2000.
Good news FF.When Climate Orbiter & Polar Lander failed my heart sank.
2003? Yeah, I can make that.
-- Carlos (, August 11, 2000.
They better make sure those Rovers do not have firestone tires.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), August 11, 2000.
If we can survive till then, 2003 should be interesting, "live" images from mars on the Internet!
-- FactFinder (, August 11, 2000.