PHOENIX:Cable Problem Causes Phone : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Thursday, August 10, 2000Local news provided by: Metro Networks
Cable Problem Causes Phone Outages Thousands of residents in the northwest valley are still unable to use their telephones. Matt Brown of the Glendale Police Department says Qwest customers from Thunderbird Road north to Union Hills Drive and from Interstate 17 past the Glendale city limits are affected. Qwest officials tell police phones will stay out until at least this afternoon and maybe into tomorrow. Fire stations at 59th Avenue and Thunderbird Road and at 62nd Avenue and Union Hills Drive will handle emergencies during the outage. The problem is the result of damage to a main telephone cable near Glendale. Cellular phones continue to work without any problems.
-- Martin Thompson (, August 10, 2000