size of mpg : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
There's something I don't understand, capturing in MPEG (1 or 2) to create a VCD. How can I be sure of the right size of the frames?. Or mpeg format has a defined size by default? Thanks HQT
-- hernan quiroz (, August 10, 2000
VCD have very strict set of paramters.Mpeg1, 352x240x(23.97/29.97) (ntsc) 352x288x25 (pal) Bitrate of 1150 Audio simple stero Mpeg1 level 2 @ 224
I'de check with whatever software you are using most of them have VCD profiles for your convieniencs. If it dosent, check with yahoo to find someone who has gotten it to work.
Happy encoding
-- Eric (, August 10, 2000.
I think all the major posters on this site using Mpeg capture systems have all said they do not capture at the vcd standard data rate. Doug for example captures at 2900kb/s and then processes the capture file back to the vcd compliant file or as a H or X vcd. Most have said over the last 12 months that the quality from a natural capture in the compliant sizes is poor.Hope that has changed but gee do your homework and/or some tests to get the best from what you have.
-- Ross McL (, August 11, 2000.