want to introduse entry points in my mpeg

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I heard that indexing your mpeg track is possible. By indexes i meant the points or key frames, within an single MPEG track that you can skip to instead of having to fastforward or rewind to. Will you be kind enough to guide me. Please tell the procedure and which software to use. I will appreciate your help

-- gur prashad (gpscooby21@hotmail.com), August 10, 2000


I had your same problem. I say immediately that I have looked for a good software for much time and now, luckly I think to have found what I were looking for...I hope. The software that now I'am using is Roxio VideoPack 5.0. You can do many things and put marks or entries inside your favorite tracks yet. You can do this for all VCD SVCD or DVD movie files. But it's not all. You can also make your personal menus with all kind of links between all project's movie files like a professional DVD menu. If you don't like it you can also try with another good (but lesser than first) software called Ulead DVD Movie Factory. I don't know how much this information can help you but if I have been useful I'm very glad to have been.

A great bye.

-- Markan (cnvmrc@libero.it), April 07, 2002.

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