TX - Technical problems dog KZTVgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Thursday, August 10, 2000Technical problems dog KZTV For fans of 'Survivor': Colleen was kicked off From staff and wire reports
CBS affiliate KZTV, which was supposed to be off the air from midnight Friday to about noon Saturday for transmitter replacement, still was having unforeseen problems Wednesday night. For many viewers that meant only one thing: no "Survivor." The station transferred to a new transmitter to comply with HDTV standards. On Sunday and on Wednesday, only AT&T Cable Service customers were able to receive broadcasts. Since then service has been restored to all customers, but it has been intermittent. "The technicians are on it," said Jim Bixler, station manager. "It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It's just a matter of it tracking down." Once the problems are solved and the transmitter is up and running at 100 percent, the quality of broadcast is expected to be better than in the past. In the meantime the station was getting calls from people wanting to know who got kicked off the island during this week's episode of the reality-based show "Survivor." The castaways voted off college student Colleen Haskell, the last former Pagong tribe member. For those counting, that leaves Kelly, Richard, Rudy, Sean and Susan.
-- Doris (reaper1@mindspring.com), August 10, 2000