Since everyone's printing poetry today...Here's one of mine. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello there, I've noticed a couple others posts with poetry on them,so I thought maybe someone would enjoy reading one of mine.I wrote this for my little girl when she was 6 months old(4yrs. now-time flies!). [There is a melody to it,but as I'm just now learning to read music, I haven't figured out the notes yet.]------------

LOOK UNTO JESUS by Tracy J. Neff(for Annie Mae) Look unto Jesus!Oh let thine eyes not stray. ------------------ Look unto Jesus!He only is the way. --------------------------- Look unto Jesus!Beside thee He will stay. ----------------------- All praise to Jesus!He'll guide thee day by day. ------------------

Look unto Jesus!Though life's pathway seem grim. ----------------- Look unto Jesus!You can't be hid from Him. ------------------- Look unto Jesus!For when sight's eyes wax dim, -------------------- All praise to Jesus!Soon thou shalt be with Him. ---------------------

Look unto Jesus!Who suffered on that tree... ---------------------- Look unto Jesus!He bled and died for thee. -------------------------- Look unto Jesus!He from the grave set free. -------------------------- All praise to Jesus!Thru all eternity! ---------------------------

Chorus: Consider Him,consider Him - lest ye be wearied,consider Him (2x) Hopefully,I shall be able to get the music written down soon.I think I'll ask a friend to help. God bless,~~~Tracy~~~

-- Tracy Jo Neff (, August 10, 2000


Tracy, What a beautiful poem. It's great that you put it into song. Your little girl will remember it always and probably sing it to her children one day. What a neat thing for a mom to pass along to her children. The beauty of Jesus and of song. (bet she's in the church choir one day!)

-- Annie (, August 10, 2000.

Neat stuff Tracy!! Got any more?.....Kirk....

-- Kirk Davis (, August 10, 2000.

Tracy, that was beautiful. Your daughter really has something to cherish and pass along. Your song and your faith. What a gift. Thank you for shareing that with us. Do you have more? I write poems now and then. Think I'll post some of them too. I wrote one for my daughter when she was 5 and fixing to start kindergarden. Thanks again for shareing it.

-- Bonnie (, August 10, 2000.

Tracy, what a beautiful thing. I have recently become friends with the parents who lost, through death, their 26 year old Daughter, named Tracey. It was a freak thing. A mosquito bite, or whatever led to brain swell and strokes, eventual earthly demise Who knows when we are called to Home? and the effects of the aftermath? we leave behind.

-- I am a witness (, August 16, 2000.

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