Venus, hope you get this : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hi Bunny, Just missing you, hope you're fine. Got an e-mail from ya sometime ago. Sorry couldn't reply but i will when i get back home. I just wanted to drop you a note letting you know you're special to me & also coz i wanted to make sure you didn't 4get me lol Have a very good summer, JAS
-- Jas B (, August 09, 2000
Hey girlfriend!!!Thanks for the good summer wishes!! Unfortunately in NZ summer is a LONG way away. We're just about to finish winter at the moment. How have you been?!?! Its so awesome to hear from you.
I promise I'll try to keep up with the emails a little bit better. Now that I have my new job and everything its getting harder but I promise to try. I haven't been in VP for ages and it seems that everyone has kinda lost touch a little bit. Shelbyx and I still email each other often though :) Thanks so much for thinking about me Goal!
Miss you hunny bunny! Take care!
Stace (aka Venus)
-- Venus (, August 21, 2000.