proper Maine Coon Kitten Food and cat food care : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have a 20 week old Maine Coon boy kitten. I also have a friend with whom I have gotten into a discussion that has prompted this question. My cat's vet and the pet store from whom I bought my whole male Maine Coon kitten both told me that all the kitten needs to eat is the dry food.

Here's the question. A non-cat owner, whose sister owns cats of mixed and indistinct backgrounds, has suddenly come up with this: you're supposed to give the cat alternating soft and dry food.

Whassup? Is it true, or just a powertrip? Please advise.


-- Anonymous, August 09, 2000


I think it is up to her, but I would keep the cat on the same kind of food it is used to.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001

We have a four-year-old Maine Coon cat. Last summer we took her in for a regular checkup. The vet had to put her briefly to sleep and clean her teeth, which he said were covered with plaque and tartar. He asked if we were giving her canned food. Yes, we were giving her a small can every other day along with her daily dry food, thinking we were being nice to her. He said we shouldn't give her soft food, only dry food. All the nutrients she needs are in dry food. Plus, the dry food acts as a "toothbrush" to keep her teeth clean. The soft quickly builds up and causes tooth problems and bad breath. I don't know if he was speaking for all cats, or just ours, but I thought you might find this interesting.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

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