where is your RA

greenspun.com : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

The link is broken as all hell.


-- Anonymous, August 08, 2000


Hmm. It worked for me earlier this afternoon.

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2000

yeah for me too. I listened to it around 5pm today. worked so well that it didn't even buffer!! must have had a good connection going.

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2000

Now it is not on the archive page. What is the deal?


-- Anonymous, August 09, 2000

I took it down.

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2000

Why did you do a silly thing like that?


-- Anonymous, August 09, 2000

I listened to it, and it was like "Wah, I'm having doubts about college. Wah. Wah. Wah." Delete. Delete. Delete.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2000

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