A stupid question but I am not afraid to ask

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

This may be a stupid question but I am not afraid to ask.

I tried various encoder softwares, including Ulead, Flask, Video Pak 4, etc., but my "lovely old buddy" visited me again, i.e. "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. if the problem persists, contact the program vendor."

Just like my strict old Daddy, my "lovely old buggy" visits me every day, disallows me to go to naughty websites, burning VCD and many other things that he doesn't like me to do in his territory (my PC). How do I get rid of him. HE'S GETTING ON MY NERVES!!!!!

-- kwan (kwanlee@altavista.com), August 08, 2000


I'll assume that your system is not overclocked, and all of your cooling systems are working ( fans and such ). Check this first. An overheating CPU is aggrivating, and can cut it's lifespan.

This is exactily why I keep all of my data files on a server and re- format and re-install windows every 1-3 months. It's probably just a matter of crud in the system. If you are unable to locate the affected system part, you will have to do a wipe and re-install. You must delete the windows directory for this to be effective. Once through that, you must re-install all of your applications and prefrences. Really agrivating, but it must be done on a regular basis for anyone installing/uninstalling software on a regualr basis.

Sorry, it really sucks. The only good thing is that your system will probably be noticably faster when you are done.

-- Eric (eric@snowmoon.com), August 09, 2000.


can you make a comment on "using a ghost image"? How effective do you consider that to be and what rules do you apply?

-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), August 09, 2000.

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